Word management problems

topo_scatenatotopo_scatenato Member Posts: 13
When I try to use the codeunit 5054 i have the following error
Could not invoke the member WaitForDocument. The OLE control or automation Server returned the following message:
One or more of the arguments could not be coerced
the debug stop at this line in the function WordHandler :
NewFileName := wrdHandler.WaitForDocument(wrdDoc);

I have this error only one computer on another one it run ok

The version of word and NSAppHandler.dll files are the same

I had reinstalled Navision

Is there another thing i need to check?

Any idea?



  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412
    In the folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Navision\Application Handler
    you find the file: NSAppHandler.dll

    register this file by:
    regsvr32 <filename>

    This might help you... :-k

    Eric Wauters
    MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
    My blog
  • topo_scatenatotopo_scatenato Member Posts: 13
    Thanks waldo

    I forget to put it in my post by i have already tried to reregister with Navision and regsvr32 the dll but the problem is still the same

    word is run and after i have the error

    may be some files are corrupt ?

    I will try it
  • BjonneBjonne Member Posts: 2
    I got a customer with exactly the same error. I have followed the ideas suggested in this forum but so fare with no luck.

    Therefore I am very interested if you have found a solution.
  • topo_scatenatotopo_scatenato Member Posts: 13
    I have just reinstall word and then it was Ok :-s

    I hope this helps you.
  • BjonneBjonne Member Posts: 2
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