Corrupted area in database

mdobsonmdobson Member Posts: 2
edited 2003-08-19 in Navision Attain

I am getting the following error message in Navision 3.60 when I log onto the database. "There is a corrupted area in the database. This type of error occurs if the database file is changed by another program or if the device driver does not function correctly ........".

I can still access the object designer, and when I import the objects into a new database I have identified that the problem is with table 27. This is the second time I have got this error message but the first time the problem was with a form, so it is not consistent.

Any ideas???



  • eromeineromein Member Posts: 589

    I think you should back-up your database from within Navision. Then restore it in a new database. This should solve your corupt area problem.

    and update your clients and server to the latest Navision 3.60 version (hotfix 1..19) just to be sure.

    It think the following things can corrupt your database:

    Backing up the database (external program) while database is still running or begin used.
    Changing object design or keys when database is being used by users.
    Copying the database while it's being used.
    Wrong rate system on your server!

    There should be more...
    "Real programmers don't comment their code.
    If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
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