when more than one user works on purchase-->Planning-->Req. Worksheet simultaneously. Then by default, navision allows to view the entries made by the user(any) recently.These entries can be viewed and edited by other users(any).But,our client needs the following functionality in it:
-->Entries made by User should be viewed only by him and not by any other users.
-->while converting the entries to an Order some priority rule should be followed (it may be based on user/time).
is it possible to implement in navision 4.0 with less customization/any tool is available to achieve this functionality.
of the sheet
Thanks for your information.yes,in this case we can also restrict the user working on same entries.
I have tried the solution given be Mr.Albertvh.It works fine but it is giving me refreshing problem.
sometimes,when we use get Sales Order functionality(either through Drop shipment/Special Order) the entries in Req. worksheet form is BLANK.But,I found the entries in Table(T246:Requisition Line). Once I close the database and login again entries are refreshed.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
I have not customized Req. Worksheet other than filter option for USERID in ONOpenForm().I have used only default functionalties of navision for getting SO lines.
Thanks for your suggestion.we can use different template for different user,but if number of users are more,it will be uneasy for the end users to add an Template and then to select it for Req.worksheet.
if number of user increases then it will be difficult to maintain.
1) Add some check box into user setup with name "Req. Worksheet allowed"
2) Add code into OnValidate of this new field which will create (check existing) worksheet template for the user.
3) Filter the Template selection to just USERID (when the template will have same code as USERID of the user...)
And it is done. You are using nearly "standard" just with few modifications... and you do not have problems with modifying all reports and batches to work with some additional user filters over one template and batch...
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Thanks.let me try as you said.But i think Same refreshing problem(as said above) will arise in this case also.I think this refreshing problem is with navision default functionality.
or if you are ready to do more customization then create a indent functionality. From the Indent let the entries trf. to requistionn worksheet and storekeeper or purchase dept to work on.
because,I tried the same after removing all customizations.and got same refeshing problem with Default funtionality.
let me explain scenario that i have tried:
--->i have installed 3 clients and tried to open Req. worksheet with three different users.
--->they keep on using Get sals order functionality and creating the PO.
(one after another)
--->all works fine but some times(rarely) any one among the three user getting this refresing problem i.e,
when using get Sales Order functionality(either through Drop Shipment/Special Order) the entries in Req. worksheet form is BLANK(no lines are shown).But,I found the entries in Table(T246:Requisition Line). Once I close the database and login again entries are refreshed.
This confirms that the problem is not due to multiuser-customization part.
I think this problem may be due to improper data caching in memory when more than one user working on same Object and Keeps on adding,deleting lines on that same Object. we are using Terminal Services to access the server Machine and from there we are runing the Navision client application with different users.
But I have one question: the data are correctly viewed just when you close/open whole client or closing the form and reopening it is enough?
MVP - Dynamics NAV
when you close/Reopen the form it is not refeshing(no lines are shown). Only if you close the database and login again ,it gets refreshed.
and also if you go to design mode of req. worksheet and modify some properties of the form and save the form and Reopen it again,then it gets refreshed.
let me do some more test and let you know
MVP - Dynamics NAV