
Problem converting text to decimal

gjvk70gjvk70 Member Posts: 60
edited 2007-04-04 in Navision Financials

I'm trying to convert a part of a string to a decimal.

Part of the code (dataport):

IF ( (COPYSTR(Importregel,11,2) = 'DR') OR (COPYSTR(Importregel,11,2) = 'DF') OR
(COPYSTR(Importregel,11,2) = 'CR') OR (COPYSTR(Importregel,11,2) = 'CF') ) THEN
StartpositieBedrag := 13
ELSE IF ( (COPYSTR(Importregel,11,1) = 'D') OR (COPYSTR(Importregel,11,1) = 'C') ) THEN
StartpositieBedrag := 12;
IF ( (COPYSTR(Importregel,15,2) = 'DR') OR (COPYSTR(Importregel,15,2) = 'DF') OR
(COPYSTR(Importregel,15,2) = 'CR') OR (COPYSTR(Importregel,15,2) = 'CF') ) THEN
StartpositieBedrag := 17
ELSE IF ( (COPYSTR(Importregel,15,1) = 'D') OR (COPYSTR(Importregel,15,1) = 'C') ) THEN
StartpositieBedrag := 16;

EindpositieBedrag := StartpositieBedrag;
WHILE COPYSTR(Importregel,EindpositieBedrag,1) IN DO
EindpositieBedrag := EindpositieBedrag + 1;
BedragTxt := COPYSTR(Importregel,StartpositieBedrag,(EindpositieBedrag-StartpositieBedrag));
// MESSAGE('Bedrag: %1', BedragTxt);
EVALUATE("LB-Mutaties bankafschriften".Bedrag, BedragTxt);

The message is disabled, but when enabled, it shows the correct values. For example "2618,", "214,2" or "150,14".
However the LB-Mutaties bankafschriften".Bedrag is not filled correctly (all records showing zero). Other fields in the imported records are correct.

Any help/suggestions appreciated!!!

Kind regards,
Gerard van Kuijl - United - http://www.united4all.nl


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    kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Are you sure that the field is not FlowField?
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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    gjvk70gjvk70 Member Posts: 60
    Hi Kine,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Yes I'm sure it's no flowfield. It it is defined as a decimal in Globals.
    However my problem is solved already (see title), I used an incorrect record-reference.

    Kind regards,
    Gerard van Kuijl - United - http://www.united4all.nl
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