Hi Folk,
I have designed a report that prints list of employee in an institution.
The Report is in this form:
Name, date of bith, nationality, date of employment.
I can filter by the different fields in the employee table.
I can filter employees by institutions using their numbers, but my problem is i want to have the Name of the institution, the old number of the institution and the new number of the institution on top of the report when i filter by institution. Each institution has both old and New Numbers
Can anyone help me Explain what to do to get the report in the way i asked above. I would like to have the explanation in step by step form.
I will appreciate help from greate brains out there please.
AP Commerce, Inc. = where I work
Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - 3rd Edition = my 2nd book
If it is institution only can I presume that the old-new relationship is expressed my two rows being in the institute table? If so you need to add the institute table as a dataitem twice. I have never tried this in Nav, but done it several times in SQL.
The institutions have both old and new numbers. The old numbers where the first numbers given to each institution and now they are each issued a new number. They are all presently having this two numbers and the plan is to drop the old numbers in the future. But right now they all having both numbers until the old numbers are finally discarded
We have the old institution No. and the New institution No. as fields in the Employee table which is appearing on the employee cards. Each employee has both old and new no. appearing on each employee card.
Any help Please
First, why aren't you storing the old-new relationship in the institute table? Why did you put it on the employee card.
You mentioned that a filter is applied by the user when running the report and that this has filtered the dataitem, meaning that you didn't have access the the 'old' institutes.
An alternative way for the report user to select what they want is to add a field to the options tab where they can type in a filter that will later be applied by yourself. Thus you can easily tweak the relationship.
The Institution's old and new Numbers are fields on the institution's table and they are stored there. The card is only use to key in the numbers in the fields .
There are two tables; Institution table and Employee table.
the Institution name and Number are on the Institution's table.
I want when i run a report by using institution Number as Filter, the list should bring the employees under that institution with a heading of Institution Name and Number. The report presently is working fine but i am missing the Institutions name and number on top of the page.
Please i need the procedure in Step by step form.
Please i am still waiting for assistant.
Thanks for all you beautiful ideas, I have solved the problem. It is now working like i wanted it.
IT Gives the Name, New, and Old Nos. of the institution on top of the report. This is correct when i filter by Customer New No. It also works when i filter by Employee No, But when i want to run report without a filter, It gives me an Employee No. which does not exit in the database and say "this no. does not exist".
When i create that No. and run the report again without a filter it gives another no. that does not exit in the database. When that is solved, another one comes. This is what it does. So I can't run report without a filter.
But when i Comment my Code on the report, the report runs without the filter.
How can i run a report without filtering and also without commenting my code?
Suggestions Please.