Excel once again: How to create multiple sheets ?

NokioNokio Member Posts: 52
i have the following problem. I've created an extern Excel file which i have to fill out from navision later. I will make this with the ExcelBuffer table.

It has the standard 3 worksheets and I need 3 worksheets more.
How exactly i can create them?

I have the folling automations. Do I need any others?
Excel = 'Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library'.Application
Workbook ='Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library'.Workbook
Worksheet = 'Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library'.Worksheet

Another Question is, when I manage to create the 3 worksheets, how can I select f.e. sheet no. 4.

Couldn't find anything helpful in searching the forum.
Thx 4 any help.


  • QueenmercuryQueenmercury Member Posts: 7
    There's no way to create multiple sheets with ExcelBuffer... I've created a new object based on Excel Buffer with these these updates :

    1) I've modified the function "CreateSheet" in a way it always call the automation server function that adds a sheet.
    2) I've created one function called "FillDataInSheet(SheetName)" with the following code :


    When i want to export in excel from any other object :
    1) First i create a variabile linking to the new object
    2) I call AddColumn...
    3) I call FillDataInSheet. It fills the sheet and make the buffer empty.
    4) Start over again from 2 for every sheet you want to create.

  • NokioNokio Member Posts: 52
    Which function of the automation server is´it and how exactly can I use it?
  • QueenmercuryQueenmercury Member Posts: 7
    This is the function i've modified...in bold the function of automation server.
    Open table 370 and compares the code to mine.
    Note that I've deleted any refernce to the "Information Sheet" of the standard because i use it as any other sheet (I deleted also the functions addinfocolumns....).

    CreateSheet(SheetName : Text[250];ReportHeader : Text[80];CompanyName : Text[30];UserID2 : Text[30])
    Text005 +

    XlEdgeBottom := 9;
    XlContinuous := 1;
    XlLineStyleNone := -4142;
    XlLandscape := 2;
    CRLF := 10;
    RecNo := 1;
    TotalRecNo := COUNTAPPROX + InfoExcelBuf.COUNTAPPROX;
    RecNo := 0;

    XlWrkSht := XlWrkBk.Worksheets.Add();
    XlWrkSht.Name := SheetName;

    IF ReportHeader <> '' THEN
    XlWrkSht.PageSetup.LeftHeader :=
    XlWrkSht.PageSetup.RightHeader :=
    XlWrkSht.PageSetup.Orientation := XlLandscape;
    RecNo := RecNo + 1;
    Window.UPDATE(1,ROUND(RecNo / TotalRecNo * 10000,1));
    IF NumberFormat <> '' THEN
    XlWrkSht.Range(xlColID + xlRowID).NumberFormat := NumberFormat;
    IF Formula = '' THEN
    XlWrkSht.Range(xlColID + xlRowID).Value := "Cell Value as Text"
    XlWrkSht.Range(xlColID + xlRowID).Formula := GetFormula;
    IF Comment <> '' THEN
    XlWrkSht.Range(xlColID + xlRowID).AddComment := Comment;
    IF Bold THEN
    XlWrkSht.Range(xlColID + xlRowID).Font.Bold := Bold;
    IF Italic THEN
    XlWrkSht.Range(xlColID + xlRowID).Font.Italic := Italic;
    XlWrkSht.Range(xlColID + xlRowID).Borders.LineStyle := XlLineStyleNone;
    IF Underline THEN
    XlWrkSht.Range(xlColID + xlRowID).Borders.Item(XlEdgeBottom).LineStyle := XlContinuous;
    UNTIL NEXT = 0;
    XlWrkSht.Range(GetExcelReference(5) + ':' + xlColID + xlRowID).Columns.AutoFit;

  • mjrogersmjrogers Member Posts: 59
    Great info!, thanks :D
    TecSA Malaysia

    Those of you who think you know everything are annoying to those of us who do. -
    David Brent
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Nokio wrote:
    It has the standard 3 worksheets and I need 3 worksheets more.

    Excel->Tools->Options->General->"Sheets In New Workbook"=3

    you can change it to whatever you want.
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