How come all the users on the Network are using the pdfprinter as the default printer to print their reports?
In my System "printer and Faxes" window i have the following but HP printer is Default.
Hp laserjet 4200 (default)
Microsoft Office Document Image Writer
Is there a way in Navision to change the System Printer at Runtime and print to any in the List depending on the Customer requirement
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In this particular report, the user simply selects the PDF printer manually, as the report is run to various printers, faxes, pdf, acutal printers etc. However, we do have other reports which do select the printer automatically, and this is done via the printer selection table. We have had this modded so that a printing method (eg PDF) is also included in the printer selection, and this can then be used in reports. The report then modifies the printer selection table to the PDF printer, and then changes it back to the original setting.
This was a "simple" mod by our NSC.
Automation ? or soemthing else? :-k
There you can control in general or per user and report which printer to use.