Creating Temporary table during report running

milindmilind Member Posts: 130
Is it possible to create Temporary table on running report.


  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 628
    Yes, it is possible. It's one reason which is Integer table used for.
    Use Integer table as DataItem and write simple loop for your temptable. There are a lot of post about it.
  • aman_mbsaman_mbs Member Posts: 158
    It is possidle to create tem table u have to create a record set for the tem table and using INIT method u can insert the records in that table during runtime..
    Aman Kumar Gupta
  • milindmilind Member Posts: 130
    Thanks Aman
    But can u tell me where we have to define the record set in global
    variable or what?
  • aman_mbsaman_mbs Member Posts: 158

    Yes u will define the record set in globals, n work out...
    if u need further help feel free...
    Aman Kumar Gupta
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