Hi Albert,
I tried to use this, but I get an error that the file is already in use and cannot be deleted. I put the code OnPostDataport, and have confirmed that the system is attempting to delete the proper file. Any ideas? I gave any user in our network full control of my test file, so it shouldn't be a permission issue.
Try something like this
in DataPort - OnPostDataport section
I try and it's work so well. Thank you so much.
I tried to use this, but I get an error that the file is already in use and cannot be deleted. I put the code OnPostDataport, and have confirmed that the system is attempting to delete the proper file. Any ideas? I gave any user in our network full control of my test file, so it shouldn't be a permission issue.
Sorry for the late reply but we had a holiday here.
add a line before the ERASE