Relation between Sales Quote and Sales Order

selece28selece28 Member Posts: 316
Hi all,
I have a problems
My client want me to show which Sales Order is created from Sales Quote
When we open Sales Quote form and click Make Order
The sales quote record in Sales Header table is replaced with Sales Order record right?
Then how can i know which Sales Order is created from Sales Quote?
I can only think of adding a new column in sales header to keep Sales Quote number.

Is there any other way? Am i missing something?

Thanks in advance



  • AlbertvhAlbertvh Member Posts: 516
    I think that you would have to add the extra field to the sales header
    table but also remember to add this field to the posted sales tables
    ie Shipment and Invoice

  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    There is a field in the sales header table, called Customer Quote No., I believe it would be used if you were using commerce server, so if you are not, then I would use that field, as it already exist, and will provide what you need without adding new fields to serveral tables. You would have to modify the qoute to order function to copy the quote number.
  • lakshmivallurulakshmivalluru Member Posts: 168
    USE "Customer Quote No." field. when u create a sales quote, populate "Customer Quote No." as well, then when u create an order it tansfer to order.
  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412
    If you want to 'save' the Sales Quote, I would try to use the Sales Archive.

    Eric Wauters
    MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
    My blog
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    Sorry, I didn't get this early, but I just remembered, the sales quote number carries over to the sale order line, in the field Sales Order No.

    this also carries over to the sale invoice line when it is invoiced

    so the info isn't in the header but it is on the sales line. all the way through to the sale invoice line
  • MbadMbad Member Posts: 344
    Never use standard fields for something they arent meant to be used for.
  • selece28selece28 Member Posts: 316
    Yes Thanks, this mean that the best way is to add a new field and customize codeunit 86
    If you want to 'save' the Sales Quote, I would try to use the Sales Archive.

    Waldo what do you mean by this. Can i keep the old Sales Quote that has been made to Sales Order? How?

    Thanks in advance

  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412
    By using Sales Archive.
    This sales archive is automatically filled when printing the quote and using CRM. In this report, you find the code to "copy" the records to the sales archive.

    Something like:
    ArchiveManagement.StoreSalesDocument("Sales Header",FALSE)

    Eric Wauters
    MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
    My blog
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