NRGP can be done thru Return order by modifying the Purchase Return Order.
RGP as per Indian scenarion can be done thru subcontracting in Manufacturing module. If you are not using the module then probably customization is needed.
Note : Item needs to be created for using the functionlaity.
Fo Returnable/Non returnable Gatepass, I have used
the Transfer Orders. But some customisation is required.
1. Non returnable : Do not enter the Transfer-to-Code. Only transfer-from code and in transit document. Just ship the items.
2. Returnable Gaterpass : Transfer-from and Transfer-to location code
should be same. Ship the items from Transfer-from to in transit
then receive the items(when returned) from in transit to Transfer-to
Location(same as Transfer-from)
code again.
Dear Darshanm,
Have you taken care of the financial aspects of this customisation? Which account has been hit in finance, when you have shipped to in transit code??
Can you share this with me?
Fo Returnable/Non returnable Gatepass, I have used
the Transfer Orders. But some customisation is required.
1. Non returnable : Do not enter the Transfer-to-Code. Only transfer-from code and in transit document. Just ship the items.
Transfer order are meant for transfer of stock/inventory from One location to another. How NRGP can be created by ignoring the receiver of the stock. Seems standard functionality has been modified as the transfer order gives a error message if receiver and sender is not defined and What abt the stock. Will it lie in the intransit location for ever and will impact the inventory stock , value and G/L balances.
RGP as per Indian scenarion can be done thru subcontracting in Manufacturing module. If you are not using the module then probably customization is needed.
Note : Item needs to be created for using the functionlaity.
Fo Returnable/Non returnable Gatepass, I have used
the Transfer Orders. But some customisation is required.
1. Non returnable : Do not enter the Transfer-to-Code. Only transfer-from code and in transit document. Just ship the items.
2. Returnable Gaterpass : Transfer-from and Transfer-to location code
should be same. Ship the items from Transfer-from to in transit
then receive the items(when returned) from in transit to Transfer-to
Location(same as Transfer-from)
code again.
Senior Consultan
Have you taken care of the financial aspects of this customisation? Which account has been hit in finance, when you have shipped to in transit code??
Can you share this with me?
Transfer order are meant for transfer of stock/inventory from One location to another. How NRGP can be created by ignoring the receiver of the stock. Seems standard functionality has been modified as the transfer order gives a error message if receiver and sender is not defined and What abt the stock. Will it lie in the intransit location for ever and will impact the inventory stock , value and G/L balances.