Hey everyone,
Here I am AGAIN... Sorry my topic title isn't more clear but I didn't want to start a new topic for every issue... I hope no one minds.
I really wish I could solve this on my own, since it's probably peanuts for developers here. I'm new to Navision and I've wrestled through the Dev I in one or two days.
The client I work for had some problems, questions and requests for his Navision program. I've already worked my way through them, but for some I just can't find a solution. I was hoping someone could give me some advice...
• When you have different vendors for an item, and you put the item on the sales quote, Nav gets the item from the card. Is it possible that you have to select the vendor so Navision checks the price it has to take. Now you have to type the price on the item card and that's a lot of work...
• When I want to print the sales quote, I get a prompt saying "Wilt u een taak voor opvolging maken?" When you click yes, I get an error saying "Sell-to contact No. needs to be inserted into sales header ..."
• For the purchase invoice, it doesn't automatically input the price.
And for the biggest problem I have... Client wants a report for the hours worked by an employee for every customer. I don't know where to get the date from? From recources or from the orders? (it's a construction company...)
Thank you all very much!!
"Wilt u een taak voor opvolging maken?" ???
Is it possible that you have to select the vendor so Navision checks the price it has to take....
I would recommend that you read up on How Inventory is handled. Navision always track the cost based on what ever costing method you choose. The price can be populated by Navision if you fillout (on the Item Card, Invoicing Tab) fields Price/Profit Calculation and Profit % or just populate the Unit price.
If you want to always choose the exact purchase for a particular Sale you will have to choose a costing method of Specific. But this will require you to assign a serial number for every qty = 1.
Navision does not store information on this. A developer would have to create a custom process for this.
Are you a Developer?
2. You get this message when you have the Relationship Management turned on. Just fill in the Sell-to Contact No. on the quote
3. You need to put in the vendor prices on the Purchase --> Price on the item card
Biggest Problem you have: Use the resource ledger entry, assuming you're using resources to record hours usage (you should be anyway).
AP Commerce, Inc. = where I work
Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - 3rd Edition = my 2nd book
And no, I'm not a developer, I've just started using Navision for about a small month. People bury me with assignments though...
I'm sorry for this.