anyone know more about the new function, exporting to an external application? I tried out a little bit and modfied these standard stylesheets. For example changing the logo on standard letter stylesheet was no problem. But I don't know how to make more comprehensive changes or creat a new stylesheet.
The best would be if anyone knows a graphical designer, because i can't imagine writing a completely new stylesheet all hand-crafted.
ps: Anyone knows what this big hash-block in the middle of each word stylesheet is for? The stylesheet works without it, too...
The only tool I know that is nice to work with XML files is Visual Studio. There used to be a program called XML Notepad, but I haven't been able to find it. Maybe some big company bought it and incorporated it into their IDE....
I also tried to work with Visual Studio, but i dont think, that this makes work much easier, of course, highlight an structure helps a little bit, but buliding a total new stylesheet would be very hard, even with visual studio... in my opinion.
You mean this xml notepad: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=72D6AA49-787D-4118-BA5F-4F30FE913628&displaylang=en ?
did you import the stylesheet after you made the change?
navision loads the stylesheet at runtime from the blob field of the the style sheet table.
good luck at modifying the stylesheets
I already threw in the towel... 'til there's a tool which really helps creating those.
Was rumour that NAV team creating editor for these sheets. :-$
Just lets wait
Altova StyleVision 2007
http://www.altova.com/products/stylevis ... d_rtf.html
Anyone is having experience with it?
I have not tried it, but they have a free trial version that you might want to check out.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!