3.7a value entries with strange value after adjust costs

jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
The client in question has a routine where they send out items on a shipment with barcode and if the shipment fails they must be returned via a a scanning interface. This creates a scenario on the posted shipment of 5 line 1st line is the outgoing say value of 4 and 4 lines of qty 1 to show the return.

This ends up creating 16 value entries which appear to balance however after adjust costs is run (regardless of whether the same items have gone out on a new shipment and invoiced. )

The adjust cost routine then create 4 additional entries as seen below

Posting Date Item Ledger Entry Type Entry Type Document No. Applies-to Entry Cost Amount (Actual) Cost Amount (Non-Invtbl.) Cost Posted to G/L Valued Quantity Invoiced Quantity Cost per Unit Cost per Unit (ACY) Item No. Gen. Prod. Posting Group Source Type Source No. External Document No. Valued By Average Cost Item Ledger Entry No. Capacity Ledger Entry No. Entry No.
05/03/2007 Sale Direct Cost D509075 0 0 0 0 -1 0 54.61327 0 4000145 101012 Customer PER024 RWEREWRWER No 1409168 0 2261628
05/03/2007 Sale Direct Cost D509075 0 0 0 0 -1 0 54.61327 0 4000145 101012 Customer PER024 RWEREWRWER No 1409169 0 2261629
05/03/2007 Sale Direct Cost D509075 0 0 0 0 -1 0 54.61327 0 4000145 101012 Customer PER024 RWEREWRWER No 1409170 0 2261630
05/03/2007 Sale Direct Cost D509075 0 0 0 0 -1 0 54.61327 0 4000145 101012 Customer PER024 RWEREWRWER No 1409171 0 2261631
05/03/2007 Sale Direct Cost D509075 0 -54.61 0 -54.61 -1 -1 54.61327 0 4000145 101012 Customer PER024 RWEREWRWER No 1409170 0 2261632
05/03/2007 Sale Direct Cost D509075 0 0 0 0 1 0 54.61327 0 4000145 101012 Customer PER024 RWEREWRWER No 1409172 0 2261633
05/03/2007 Sale Direct Cost D509075 0 54.61 0 54.61 1 1 54.61327 0 4000145 101012 Customer PER024 RWEREWRWER No 1409172 0 2261634
05/03/2007 Sale Direct Cost D509075 0 -54.61 0 -54.61 -1 -1 54.61327 0 4000145 101012 Customer PER024 RWEREWRWER No 1409168 0 2261637
05/03/2007 Sale Direct Cost D509075 0 0 0 0 1 0 54.61327 0 4000145 101012 Customer PER024 RWEREWRWER No 1409175 0 2261638
05/03/2007 Sale Direct Cost D509075 0 54.61 0 54.61 1 1 54.61327 0 4000145 101012 Customer PER024 RWEREWRWER No 1409175 0 2261639
05/03/2007 Sale Direct Cost D509075 0 -54.61 0 -54.61 -1 -1 54.61327 0 4000145 101012 Customer PER024 RWEREWRWER No 1409169 0 2261642
05/03/2007 Sale Direct Cost D509075 0 0 0 0 1 0 54.61327 0 4000145 101012 Customer PER024 RWEREWRWER No 1409178 0 2261643
05/03/2007 Sale Direct Cost D509075 0 54.61 0 54.61 1 1 54.61327 0 4000145 101012 Customer PER024 RWEREWRWER No 1409178 0 2261644
05/03/2007 Sale Direct Cost D509075 0 -54.61 0 -54.61 -1 -1 54.61327 0 4000145 101012 Customer PER024 RWEREWRWER No 1409171 0 2261647
05/03/2007 Sale Direct Cost D509075 0 0 0 0 1 0 54.61327 0 4000145 101012 Customer PER024 RWEREWRWER No 1409181 0 2261648
05/03/2007 Sale Direct Cost D509075 0 54.61 0 54.61 1 1 54.61327 0 4000145 101012 Customer PER024 RWEREWRWER No 1409181 0 2261649
05/03/2007 Sale Direct Cost D509075 2261639 -109.22 0 0 1 0 -109.22 0 4000145 101012 Customer PER024 RWEREWRWER No 1409175 0 2261657
05/03/2007 Sale Direct Cost D509075 2261644 -109.22 0 0 1 0 -109.22 0 4000145 101012 Customer PER024 RWEREWRWER No 1409178 0 2261658
05/03/2007 Sale Direct Cost D509075 2261634 -109.22 0 0 1 0 -109.22 0 4000145 101012 Customer PER024 RWEREWRWER No 1409172 0 2261659
05/03/2007 Sale Direct Cost D509075 2261649 -109.22 0 0 1 0 -109.22 0 4000145 101012 Customer PER024 RWEREWRWER No 1409181 0 2261660

What i cannot figure out is where this 109.22 value is created for espically when the valued qty is only 4 .

This is an inherited client so i am suspecting some dodgy customisations invloved.

Any hints i have been through the 3.7 cost white paper but haven't sparked any lights in my head so far :S

the item is set for Standard cost and the setup is for automatic cost posting and expected cost posting. The only thing out f the ordinary i have noticed is that the iterim account and the actual account are the same in inventory posting setup.

i have compered a normal return shippment and 5 vale lines vs 20 seems a little extreme to me. This is generally only happening when the whole shippment is being returned eg no one on site to sign for it

HELP ofh Gurus i beseech u ](*,)
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