Hi guys,
we need to make a project for school in navision. We have to make it in 6 weeks and we dont know anything of C/AL and Navision programming.
I have a table called DossierPerRegio and I need to make a matrix form of it.
table DossierPerRegio
RegioID - DossierID
1 - GA008
2 - GA009
1 - GE004
3 - ZO003
In the matrix I should count all the DossierID for each Regio. In this example I should see
RegioID - Aantal ( total )
1 - 2
2 - 1
3 - 1
I have read the how - to of mibuso but I dont understand it. I have only 1 week to make it. Please help because I cant find information of it.
In a next stage I need to split aantal in aantal Men & aantal Woman, but first I want to have it in total.
Matrix - OnAfterGetRecord()
CALCFIELDS(flowfield name);