Applied Entries and Item Tracking Lines inconsistency

DatapacDatapac Member Posts: 97
I've come across an issue with Lot Tracking (Nav 4.0 SP2), scenario as follows:

Item ITEM01, Costing Method "Standard"
Starting Inventory 25 consisting of follow ILE Recs:
Item       Lot No      Quantity         Remaining Qty     Open
ITEM01     LOT1        15                 15                   Y
ITEM01     LOT2        5                   5                   Y
ITEM01     LOT3        5                   5                   Y

Add a Sales Order for ITEM01, Qty of 15
Item Tracking Lines as follows:
Lot No        Qty (Base)
LOT1          5
LOT2          5
LOT3          5

When I Post the Sales Order the Item Ledger Entries are as follows:
Item       Lot No      Quantity         Remaining Qty     Open
ITEM01     LOT1        15                 0                    N
ITEM01     LOT2        5                   5                   Y
ITEM01     LOT3        5                   5                   Y

This is now inconsistent with the Item Tracking Entries and Lot Information Cards for this Item which show (I think correctly):
Item       Lot No     Inventory
ITEM01     LOT1        10
ITEM01     LOT2        0
ITEM01     LOT3        0

The issue seems to be that on Posting the Applied Entries, the Lot No in Item Tracking is ignored. Any ideas or has anyone come across this before?


  • RuleRule Member Posts: 34
    I have encounterd this problem also.
    But it was with the costing method FIFO.
    The problem was the costing method which always used the oldest item ledger entry to apply wath FIFO must do.

    You're sure u used the costing method standard.
    Because i tested the lot tracking with costing method standard and the lot tracking appears to be applied correct. The item ledger entrys with correct LotNr. are used to apply a negative adjmt.

    Just tested it myself.


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