Commerce Portal Cannot Add to Shopping Cart

ScarecrowScarecrow Member Posts: 5
edited 2008-03-14 in Navision e-Commerce
Hi All,

I have installed Commerce Portal and after many false starts have got it running sort of...

The entire site works fine, shows catalog's, orders, customer history, etc so the communications are fine. The problem starts when you attempt to add any product to the shopping cart.

Before adding a product, you can visit your shopping cart and see that there is nothing in the cart, and the side frame correctly displays. You then attempt to add any product and the cart page eventually arrives, but with this message at the top: 'The system was unable to process your request at this time, please try again later. '

You can see the new basket in the BizDesk manager, but the Surname, First name and Company fields are empty. The line item count however is correct. From that point on, the Shopping Cart page continually displays the warning error message. If you use BizDesk to remove the Basket, the Shopping Cart page begins working properly again, until you again add something to the cart.

I am not sure if the basket process is handled completely in Commerce portal or if is is stored somewhere in Navision. I am using Nav 4.0 SP3 with the 3.7 e-Commerce components, but to make sure it wasn't a 4.0 SP3 issue I also installed a test system running completely on a 3.70 platform and had the exact same problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The resolution to this problem was found to be modifying the code in Table 37. For some reason whenever a product was being added to the cart, Nav was attempting to get the quote associated with the customer browsing the site, which failed as there was no check to see if the record existed, the code expected to get one and failed when it didn't. Simply put the quote load into an IF statement which exited cleanly if the quote didn't exist yet and everything started working.


  • acoostycacoostyc Member Posts: 2

    I have today the same problem as you, con you explain to me where you have modified the code to solve this problem and what you have done.

  • ScarecrowScarecrow Member Posts: 5
    Hi Acoostyc,

    I modified the code in the "No." OnValidate function.

    Towards the end you will find a line like this:

    // SalesHeader.GET("Document Type","Document No.");
    IF SalesHeader.GET("Document Type","Document No.") THEN BEGIN

    As you can see I commented out the original lline and replaced it with the second line to wrap it in an if statement. I then placed and END as the last statement in the function, effectivelly wrapping that whole last section of a code in a test to see if the SalesHeader exists. This fixed the problem as it was caused by the system assuming the SalesHeader is pre-existing which would be normal for a standard Sales Order in Nav but through Commerce portal, it seems to delay the creatin of the Header for some reason.

    This simple change was all that was needed to resolve this and the shopping cart worked fine from then on.

  • acoostycacoostyc Member Posts: 2

    I have made the modification but know i have an other error in the file basketframe.asp on this fonction : mscsOrderForm.NF.NFItems.cout with this message : Erreur d'execution Microsoft VBScript, Objeet requis, erreur '800a01a8'

    And i have always this message : "The system was unable to process your request at this time, please try again later."

    When i show a quote i see all the information of the quote but my basket doesn't works.

    Can you give me some information about this problem.


    Best regards.
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