Our financials 2.01 database is allmost out off space and because we have a lot of customization there is not enough time to make at "real" upgrade, instead i tried to Backup the Financials database and restore this backup in attain everything seem to work fine.
Any reasons for not doing this ?
As soon as we have the time we'll make the real upgrade.
Maybe you should be a bit careful if they use ODBC. It could be that you have to install that again!
If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand."
If, however, you use multilanguage (which was introduced with version 2.01 in Belgium for instance), you should be careful about the DateFormula's.
I tested it several times, and the only issue I ran into was that the DateFormula PROPERTY is replaced by a DateFormula Data Type, since Attain.
This means, that if you want to convert a DateFormula field which contains data in a language different from English, you have to convert this data before starting to use the 'new' Attain database.
Mind that if you are converting into a SQLServer Attain database, another issue arises, but this is not the case, I suppose.
Corresponding ODBC drivers (if needed) should in any case by installed to work with the new version.
If you choose this route, it is best to make a Navision Backup and create a blank database. Expand the database as described above, and then restore the backup into this new database.