Unrealized-VAT Query

RabeRabe Member Posts: 27
edited 2007-02-14 in Navision Attain
Hi Guys,

Got a query regarding VAT and was wondering if anybody can help.

Customer is running NAV 3.6 W1

Tested all the different scenarios with unrealized vat and it works like a charm - except one small problem...

When processing expenses directly through the Gen. Jnl and Balancing Against Bank

In other words

Create Gen. Journal Line
Select an Expense G/L Account
Gen. Posting Type = Purchase
Specify Vat Bus and Vat Prod.
Balance directly against a bank account

(The Vat Posting Setup - Unrealized Vat Type = Percentage as well as specified Unrealized Accounts)

When posted the Vat portion is posted through to the purch. unrealized vat account. Now the million dollar question - how do you transfer the unrealized for this transaction to realized vat?

One possible solution might be to create a seperate vat posting setup whitout unrealized vat setups when posting expenses directly to the GL

Any help would be appreciated...

Best Regards
Rabe Pienaar


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