I don't have much experience regarding Customer Portals, but I assume most of you are familiar with the concept. One of my company customers has made a Commerce Portal specification, which seems a bit complicated to me. He wants that when clients fills an order with some producs from the web application, the application should trigger some functions in Navision that would calculate an approximative Shipment Date for the products in that order. In my opinion, that implies that if the products are partially or totally out of Inventory, the application should appeal the functions standing beneath the Requisition Worksheet, for example, and send a response back after some time (preferably little time). Also, if that approximative shipment date is delayed due to delays from the Vendors, the client should pe announced via email by the delays appeared.
I hope this request doesn't sound odd to you and if somebody have been experienced this, I would like to know if it is possible to develop such an application and what resources implies.
I appreciate any idea. Thanks.
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