Training needed in Delaware

PrebenRasmussenPrebenRasmussen Member Posts: 137
edited 2007-02-14 in General Chat
I have a large customer here in Denmark. They have a sales office in Seaford, Delaware.

Does anyone here (near Seaford) want to do 3 days of training in standard NAV W1 - as soon as possible?

OR you could refer me to a local partner?

Please drop me a note.

Preben Rasmussen


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    Hello In that area there are two NSC. One is Tectura, the Other is AVF. They both are located in Baltimore.
    It's about 1.5 drive to that city.

    you can call

    Tectura at this number
    (703) 547-9932

    AVF consulting at this number
    Phone: 410-296-5100
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • PrebenRasmussenPrebenRasmussen Member Posts: 137
    Thank you so much. I already found AVF, but will also give Tectura a call.
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