Good Day to all.
I'm having a serious problem regarding Purchase Credit Memo applying.
I have an item in a Posted Purchase Invoice with quantity 12pcs.
That purchase invoice was wrong.(wrong costs)
In the meantime a SALE of 3 pcs took place and the remaining open item ledger entries of that item are 9pcs.
Then i created a Purchase Credit Memo of 12pcs and i tried to Apply (Appl.-to Item Entry field) this entry to the Posted Purchase Invoice.
The error is "Remaining Quantity is too Low in Item Ledger Entry no. = ‘.......’"
Is it possible to Unapply those 3 pcs from the sales invoice in order to "FREE" them so i could apply them to my Purchase Cr. Memo ?
Thnx in advance.
2) You can do positive adj. of 3 PCS, post the Cr.Memo, do correct Invoice, do negative adj. but you must be sure that costs etc. will be correct (and all accounts etc.).
MVP - Dynamics NAV
1. It has nothing to do with negative inventory.
2. When i will do positive adjust for those 3cps a new Item ledger entry will be created.
In orer to fix the cost i HAVE to apply my cr. memo with the wrong invoice.
That means that i have to apply my with that specific item ledger entry of 12pcs and not with any other item ledger entry of any 3 or more pcs.
Another problem is that u can not apply more than one item ledger entries in one Purchase Credit memo line.(i.e. apply for 12pcs -> 9 & 3)
Hope that i was helpful.
Please dont hesitate to give me any solutions, because i'm stuck.
Thnx very much.
Actually the inventory costing in 5.0 is great, lots of little "Hmm but Navision should do this standard", it now "does standard".
I guess you can't wait 6 months though.
The solution came by taking ideas from all of you.
1. Create a transfer (or positive adjustment) in the location where the remaining qty should be 12 (it was 9 + transfer 3 = 12) with the wrong cost.
2. Create a credit memo with the same posting date as the wrong purchase invoice.
3. create 2 lines in the credit memo, one with 9 pcs and one with 3 pcs.
4. Apply the first line on the item ledger entry of the posted purchse invoice (9 pcs) an the second to the item ledger entry of the transfer (3 pcs)
5 Apply the header of the Cr. Memo to the Header of the Invoice
6. Post the Purchase Cr. Memo (Attention to the posting date)
7. Run Adjust Cost Item entries at the date of the Posted Purchase Invoice.
8. Create the opposite entry for your Transfer (or adjustment) but this time with the corrected cost and the todays date.
Hope in version 5 with Unapply item ledger entries to avoid doing all the above.
Thnx again.
brilliant. never thought of that lol