Can anyone give me a quick example of how to use the Input Dialog? In other programming languages (like VB, for example) I can use an Input dialog to ask the user a question, and get an answer. Is this how it works in C/AL? Can anyone give me a quick example how?
Yes you can use dialog for input. It's not recommended to ask for user input during a transaction. This is why navision built the most ugliest input dialog you could ever imagine.
Window.OPEN('Please enter some text ###########1##',txt);
Independent Consultant/Developer
MVP - Dynamics NAV
The most frustrating thing about it is that it does not look like it would accept input. In the cases that I use it, I explicitly state what the user should do, and also tell them to hit the Enter key to accept, since it gives you nothing to push when you are done.
I had to create my own dialog input window(using one of the forms) because it is so not user friendly
The plan is to open a dialog window - paste in some data copied off the internet and if it's ok place the info into 1 or 2 fields depending on the length.
here's the code
This will allow me to enter 500 characters into the dialog input box and split it into 2 fields if greater than 250.
It all works fine if I type in the text but when I try to paste in text I copied off the internet it doesn't always work - many time the paste pastes nothing.
any ideas?
Harry, I have same problem with some other applications, not only navision. Not even applications, I have tried to paste some copied text to the Internet form(was sending a mail) and it did not do a thing. My quess is the formatting that Internet uses.... but I am not sure 8-[
You can download the extension here:
I am looking for a easy way of inputting text in NAV 2013 R2 within NAV itself.
Input should be in big text-fields and stored in the standard comment lines.
Gonna look further.
Tino Ruijs
Microsoft Dynamics NAV specialist
Not yet. Will do. Thanks!
Tino Ruijs
Microsoft Dynamics NAV specialist
I have developed a way to program the dialog box using the .net components. The only benefit you may be able to get from it is that you wont have to use an extra page.