Did anybody come across the below error message. I did find some messages posted before in this forum, and i tried most of them, but in vain.
Navision error (10500): This message is for C/AL programmers: Invalid assignment. It is not possible to assign a IXMLDOMElement to a IXMLDOMNode.
NAS is running and i did print a message to Event Log and confirmed.
Any Help would be greatly appreciated.
With Best Regards,
Freelance Dynamics AX
Blog : http://axnmaia.wordpress.com/
I hope it is your case also...
Thank You...
I did successfully installed Employee Portal, share Point 2 & SP2, NAS.
Search Web Part for Navision Employee Portal
Navision error (10500): This message is for C/AL programmers: Could not invoke the member appendChild. The OLE control or Automation server returned an unknown error code.
When i click on Search Button from the Sharepoint (default.aspx) screen, i get the above error message.
I did compile all the code units and there are no compilation issues.
Any suggestions to solve the above problem will be highly appreciated.
Each user must have setup properly for each searching...
Go to the EP Users form, choose the user you want, and at the User button choose Search Configuration...
You must pick the table you are searching and the corresponding Group and WP request code.
If you have build a special page with a group you can make it as the target link (under that form in the Target Link field i.e. Navision/Customer.aspx)
That's about it...
I guess your problem is that you haven't inserted a line under the user search configuration about that specific table you are trying to search...
I still get the below error when i try to click on any link which is attached to a report
Navision error (10500): The operating system cannot find the file C:\Documents and Settings\NEP_User\Local Settings\Temp\__TEMP__.FJP . Please check that the drive, directory and file names are correct.
Any help would be of great help.
for the first error there is one simple solution:
register the file / DLL "msxml3.dll" again (it is in the system32 folder) by using regsvr32 msxml3.dll.
Then this error should no longer happen again.
The second error is something different. This happens if the report contains no data. Then the function "REPORT.SAVEASXML" is not generating just an empty document, it is generating nothing (!!!).
To do the trick try the following:
1.) Save one report as XML which contains data
2.) Open the file and replace most of the content by just a single message
"No data" (or something similar you want to show to your users)
3.) Store that file in the folder of the NAS or somewhere in a well known path on your harddisk (of the NAS)
4.) Add some code in the codeunit
Then you will have always a nice response.
So can i conclude that we cannot trigger processing only reports from Sharepoint(Employee Portal)
If you want to import any documents or pictures into Navision , say for example using attachment functionality in Navision, any ideas how we can achieve this functionality.
I have a requirement to upload documents like word or excel and also image files from sharepoint into Navision.
Thanks for all the responses.
I am glad to be of help...
As for the missing temp file is mainly because the report didn't run to create a file, and that is because it raises error for required filters...
You might have some errors in the EP server log (system event viewer) that say about the error the report running raised...
So, you propably must make modifications on the report to have predefined filters or pass them as parameters to the report action of the EP (in the connection between WR requests->Fieds) by adding a line with only "Target Field No." and "Target Field Default Value" filled...
In case you want to use functionality like CW or CM e.t.c. in the "Target Field Default Value" you must make some modifications to EP by yourself, just look at the post:
i am also having a problem with this kind of error - 10500. My error is:
Navision error (10500): '%3))' is not a valid date. For information about entering dates and times, see the online Help.
I am getting this when i want to use "Save record" action for table 83 - item journal line.
Can anyone help me with this, please?