LS Retail - Schedular -- Setup for data replication

anilkumaranilkumar Member Posts: 136

I want to setup schedular jobs automatically,
I have assigned next check date, next check time, start time and end time, then started schedular server, it is working, but the values(next check date, next check time, start time and end time) clearing every time after completing the jobs, even I selected the option all days in a week to run the jobs, but daily I need to assign the values.

Can any one help me!

Anil Kumar Korada
Technical Consultant


  • voyager99voyager99 Member Posts: 15
    Hi anilkumar,

    did you set the values
    "Time Units" (Option-Field "Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days")
    "Time between Check" -> the Interval of the Time Unit.

    for example: Time Unit Minutes, Time between Check 30
    -> Every 30 Minutes the Scheduler Job run.

    and the Values next check date, time, and so on will set automatically.

    Try it out.

  • AbhishekAbhishek Member Posts: 68
    Dear anil,

    you should configure NAS for automaticaly schedular jobs.
    Abhishek Srivastava
    Technical Consultant
    New Delhi(India )
  • anil123anil123 Member Posts: 47
    voyager99 wrote:
    Hi anilkumar,

    did you set the values
    "Time Units" (Option-Field "Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days")
    "Time between Check" -> the Interval of the Time Unit.

    for example: Time Unit Minutes, Time between Check 30
    -> Every 30 Minutes the Scheduler Job run.

    and the Values next check date, time, and so on will set automatically.

    Try it out.



    i have one can i replicate the more objects at a time (tabels and forms )
  • sudhakarsvsudhakarsv Member Posts: 100

    create new sheduler subjob for each object and can define linked tables to the scheduler job then add the required scheduler subjobs for the Main job.
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