Business Analytics - configuration problem

M-a-r-t-yM-a-r-t-y Member Posts: 15

can any1 help me with this issue: we have installed BA at customer's. I was able to create a database running configurator from NAV. Now I cannot run configurator from the installation directory (which is required everytime I create a new database), it ends with an error message: "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Windows NT user or group 'ACCOUNTING\BA Administrators' not found. Check the name again." What shall I set up to get it up and running? THANKS! :-s


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    It seems like you are trying to run the BA on Domain Controller. This is not possible.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • M-a-r-t-yM-a-r-t-y Member Posts: 15
    Thanks a lot. This must be the case because the machine is SBS with SQL2000 being a part of it. But can this scenario be solved? :cry:
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    No, BA is not able to run on DC. This is known issue.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • M-a-r-t-yM-a-r-t-y Member Posts: 15
    I have one more question. We decided to install BA on another server (Win 2000) with SQL2000. I.e. now the scenario is following:

    A) server running SQL2000 with NAV database,
    B) another server running SQL2000 with BA installed.

    I run a Navision client on a server B and open the NAV database on server A. I am not able to create a BA database because when I run the configurator (in NAV clientl on the server B) I get the following error:

    "Error during initialization.
    Cannot open database requested in login '<database name>'. Login fails"

    Can BA database and NAV database be running on different SQL servers? Or is it a user rights issue?

    Thank you very much in advance.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Yes, it can be done. But if you look into the code which is creating the batch to run the configurator, there is mistake in detecting the SQL server name. It tooks the name of your PC (or server) from session table, it means that it is trying to connect to local PC. But you can do small change in code to not search for SQL name in session table but rather to take the SQL name from Server Name field in the setup table.

    In table 700 there is this code:
      IF NOT GetFieldRefByName(FieldRef,RecRef,'Host Name') THEN
      Params := Params + ' -s"' + FORMAT(FieldRef.VALUE) + '"';
      IF GetFieldRefByName(FieldRef,RecRef,'Host Name') THEN
        Params := Params + ' -s"' + FORMAT(FieldRef.VALUE) + '"'
        Params := Params + ' -s"' + "Navision Server Name" + '"';

    Everything what you needs is to change it to take the "Navision Server Name" in all cases. After that you can save the SQL name into this field and it will be used in configurator.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • Ravi_Prakash_GoyalRavi_Prakash_Goyal Member Posts: 72
    To solve the Error 'Cannot open database requested in login '<database name>'. Login fails"', I have tried what Kine said and it works fine.
    I replace the following code

    IF NOT GetFieldRefByName(FieldRef,RecRef,'Host Name') THEN
    Params := Params + ' -s"' + FORMAT(FieldRef.VALUE) + '"';


    Params := Params + ' -s"' + FORMAT(MyServerName) + '"';

    Thanks Kine.

  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    You are welcome!
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • M-a-r-t-yM-a-r-t-y Member Posts: 15
    So I finally got back to BA today and modified the code and tested it and ... here we go .. it works great! I guess it will also work at the customer's.
    Many thanks, Kine! =D>
  • afarrafarr Member Posts: 287
    Hi Kine,

    thanks a lot for pointing out the source of this error.

    I've been banging my head against the wall for quite some time just trying to get Bus. Analytics to run, now at last it seems to work.

    Alastair Farrugia
  • jack4560jack4560 Member Posts: 3
    Dear Friends i am also facing the same problem.
    Please help me how to modify the code in the table, i am getting only new / design / Run option for the table.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Design - F9 (to see the code)
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    press F9 dto modify the source code
    Do you make it right, it works too!
  • jack4560jack4560 Member Posts: 3
    Thanks friends for a quick response,

    I just wants to know as previously commented " BA is not able to run on DC. This is known issue."

    Is is possible to solve this issue by modifying the code in the Table 700 ISSUE "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Windows NT user or group "ERPSERVER\BA Administrators" Not found
    This error i am getting when running configurator and selecting path for the license.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    No, it is not possible, because this problem is in the installer of BA Advanced, not in the NAV objects.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • jack4560jack4560 Member Posts: 3
    Dear Brother Kine,

    We are having an Win2000 server (with domain) on which BA is installed previously and working fine on the server and also on the workstations.

    Now our server OS has crashed and we have reinstalled all the applications as pe below...

    Windows 2000 Server
    SQL 2000 Server (name SQLSERVER)
    Navision 4.0 (Navision backup has been restored on the SQL server and is working fine)
    Domain Controller (

    BA is also installed sucessfully and the BA database is generated from Navision interface by giving configurator path.
    Now BA is coming in DEMO mode, so by running BA advanced configurator
    after giving a path for the Navision client license error comes as

    "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Windows NT user or group 'SQLSERVER\BA Administrators' not found
    I am able to see in in active directory where in users section global group "BA Administrators" is available.

    Pleaes help me in this regard, if you need any other details please let me know.....

    Also my query is that if it is working also before with domain controller
    It should also work now.... Thanks in advance.....
  • iscottiscott Member Posts: 4
    kine wrote:
    Yes, it can be done. But if you look into the code which is creating the batch to run the configurator, there is mistake in detecting the SQL server name. It tooks the name of your PC (or server) from session table, it means that it is trying to connect to local PC. But you can do small change in code to not search for SQL name in session table but rather to take the SQL name from Server Name field in the setup table.

    In table 700 there is this code:
      IF NOT GetFieldRefByName(FieldRef,RecRef,'Host Name') THEN
      Params := Params + ' -s"' + FORMAT(FieldRef.VALUE) + '"';
      IF GetFieldRefByName(FieldRef,RecRef,'Host Name') THEN
        Params := Params + ' -s"' + FORMAT(FieldRef.VALUE) + '"'
        Params := Params + ' -s"' + "Navision Server Name" + '"';

    Everything what you needs is to change it to take the "Navision Server Name" in all cases. After that you can save the SQL name into this field and it will be used in configurator.

    What do you mean change it to take the "Navision Server Name" in all cases?

  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    I mean what I wrote, to not use FORMAT(FieldRef.VALUE) after -s parameter, but the value from field "Navision Server Name" each time. In this way, you can enter the SQL server name into this field and it will work with it.

    But! BA is supposed to run on same PC where you are running the client, else there can be other problems.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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