
How To install an OCX/DLL on the client's PC when needed (at

tvandongentvandongen Member Posts: 78
edited 2003-06-11 in Navision Financials
I've used the code mentioned in the How to section: "How To install an OCX/DLL on the client's PC when needed (at run-time)?" and it is working for user who have main user / administrative rights on the workstation (all our workstations are windows 2000 sp3).

However I want to use it to distribute the smtpMailOcx from the downloadsection to all users that are using Navision. Most of them have just regular rights and are not allowed to install software. The function regsvr32 is because of this not able to install the OCX.

Does anyone know how I can execute the regsvr32 with administrative rights (normally you can do this by holding down the <SHIFT>key together with a right click on the program and then choose the run as function) ?
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