I have created a basic report to show Projected Revenue. It has 2 dataitems - one to check the journal table and one to check the ledger table. The header section is associated with the journal table and Footer section is associated with the ledger table. Seemingly, because of this, if there are no journal entries, the header doesn't show and if no ledger entries, the Footer doesn't show. I have set PRINTONLYIFDETAIL (dataitem)property to No and PRINTONEVERYPAGE (section) to Yes, but this hasn't worked.
Thanks for any suggestions!
Place header and footer on the new data item.
For clarification, how does the integer dataitem work in that you set the following property: (ie. Number =CONST(1))
DataItemTableView=SORTING(Number) WHERE(Number=CONST(1))
Under what conditions would it be set differently?
Thanks again!
The Integer dataitem is a view to one of the Virtual Tables in Navision.
It only has one field, the Number field and it can hold all the possible integer values that Navision can handle.
So if you do not set a filter on the number field the dataitem will ittirate through the entire Integer table (from -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647)
In most cases you don't need this so you must specify a filter.
A filter which you can place instead of just (1) is for example when you want to itteratie through a table by Code and not by DataItem. Then you place a filter from 1 to the count of the record variable you want to itterate.
I hope this helps.
Everybody on-line.
Looking good!
Isn't usage of TransHeader and TransFooter a better idea ????