Ean13 BarCode Generator

AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
edited 2013-08-22 in Download section
Ean13 BarCode Generator
Open Source Codeunit with a simple yet effective codebar generator. For now just the EAN13 standard is supported. A wider range of codebar types and features will be added in future versions.


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  • tejateja Member Posts: 78
    Hi All,

    Our Bar code No. is Code Type
    I sent this Bar code No. as a Parameter to the Generate Bar Code Function in the Reprot
    When I am executing the Report , am getting an Error.

    Overflow under type conversion of Integer to Char.

    Value: -1

    Can any one tell me how to use this Code Unit.
    Thanks & Regards
  • kish2007kish2007 Member Posts: 64
    Hi all,
    I was generate barcode through barcode generator. but this barcode was not scanned on WINGS POS.

    Is this barcode supports any POS or only in Navision?

    Thanks in advance.

  • nightrodnightrod Member Posts: 68

    This works great for EAN13.
    I need to print EAN8 as well.

    Do i need a different font to print ean8 or is it the same but than only 8 caracters?
    Is there code to generate ean8 yet?

  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 924
    If printout space is not critical, if you add five leading zeros to the EAN8 value EAN13 fonts will work.
    Kai Kowalewski
  • nightrodnightrod Member Posts: 68
    Thanks for reply. Unfortunatly thats no solution.
    It doesn't mach with the barcode on the product packaging.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Try Barcode Generator
    possible barcodetypes:

    01-EAN 13
    02-EAN 8
    03-EAN 5
    04-EAN 2
    05-UPC A
    06-Code 39
    07-Code 25 interleaved
    09-Code 25
    10-Code 39 Extended
    11-Code 128 A
    12-Code 128 B
    13-Code 128 C
    14-Code 128
    15-EAN 128
    16-EAN 99
    17-UPC E
    19-Royal Mail
    21-Code 93
    22-Code 93 Extended
  • rdebathrdebath Member Posts: 383
    I dunno if this barcode font can do ean8, but another one can: http://grandzebu.net/informatique/codbar-en/ean13.htm

    They even give example code for the 5 character extension you get on books.
    In several languages yet.
    Including Axapta.
  • nightrodnightrod Member Posts: 68
    looks like ean13 only
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    The barcode generator works great for us in many capacities.
    IF Item."Item UPC/EAN Number" <> '' THEN BEGIN
    CreateBarcode:= SHELL(STRSUBSTNO('%1%2%3%4%5%6',
    'i:\navision attain\Navibar.exe', // Program location
    ' ' + Item."Item UPC/EAN Number"+'{', // code to generate from Nav
    '05'+'{', // barcode type "code" you want for EAN 8 use 02 for ean 13 use 01
    '220'+'{', // width in pixel
    '150'+'{', // high in pixel
    'c:\temp\barcode.bmp')); // destination for the .bmp-file

  • tularamtularam Member Posts: 97
    Thanks for wonderful solution.
    But I have one problem. I have to print 3 ean codes in one 9.6cm*50cm Vertically. I specified all parameters (TSC TTP-345 barcode Printer).
    To print Vertically I applied a logic print Landscape. It prints well but always prints one blank page after one barcode. I got this strange behaviour with Classic report for the first time.
    Even if I minimize the size of report to very small it will print two pages.

    Is there any problem with printer setting or it is the problem due to landscape??
  • MatthiasKönigMatthiasKönig Member Posts: 14

    sorry tularam, I can't help you but I have a question too: Is the Font realy freeware and free to use? cant find an hint for that.
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