
Filter on a form

maikeljmaikelj Member Posts: 50
edited 2003-05-29 in Navision Financials
Hello there,

I've got the following situation:

I have a form. On this form is a tablebox and 2 text boxes.
These text boxes are used as filters.
On table level the text-boxes are flowfields (lookup).

When I set a filter in the first text box the table box is filtered
on whatever it says in the first text box.

When I try this in the second text box all records in the tablebox
are gone... :?:

How is this possible. I can't understand this.
I've checked the properties on table level of the two text boxes.
The only thing that is different is the lookup property.

Please help :!:


  • Options
    SbhatSbhat Member Posts: 301

    You might be using for example SETRANGE("Employee No.") in your code somewhere, this will remove the filter and moreover you should create a field in the table of type flowfilter which will help you in filtering records. Take a look in General ledger module for example G/L Balance by Department, you will get an idea.


    Best regards
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