We use Navision 3.60 and I'm sending sales order confirmation to our customers & sales persons using ZetaFax V10.
It's working fine , but sometimes I get the following errors when multiple faxes are sent to the spooler :
:bug: :bug: :bug: :bug: :bug: :bug: :bug: :bug: :bug: :bug:
Please wait while Zetafax finished processing the previous print job
Message not fully addressed - check name and fax number
:bug: :bug: :bug: :bug: :bug: :bug: :bug: :bug: :bug: :bug:
This message basically block any futher processing (my batch is executed by Navision standard scheduler)
At the very top (Header Level) of my report I've got the FaxTo control and at the very bottom (Footer Level) I've got the FaxSend tag
FaxTo := STRSUBSTNO('%%[TO: %1 %2 %3]',
' - Bozo Incorporated - ');
FaxSend := '%%[SEND]';
o I've checked the phone number and name, everything seems correct
o My default printer driver is set to ZetaFax virtual print driver
Have you experienced any similar problem ?
Should I use a specific font size or font set to solve this problems ?