
Currency Web Update

tomgtomg Member Posts: 6
edited 2003-05-23 in Navision Attain

i'd like to update the currency exchange rate table via web - access a website (like in excel) and write the actual values in a buffer table and then modify the exchange rates...
has anybody an idea how to manage this?


tom :wink:


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    damndamn Member Posts: 3
    Hi tomg!

    It is unclear whether your question is about programming or "using Navision". There is no such feature in standard Navision.

    Here is how I think it should be programmed:
    1) get the file from web :idea: . For that I would use a command line tool like wget win32 port (http://studwww.rug.ac.be/~bpuype/wget/)
    2) process that file and put the records in temp table. In Latvia we can get XML file, I don't know about your case.
    3) update exchange rates.

    some very basic CAL code:
    //create a www address, like

    //get the file to c:\data.xml
    result:=SHELL('c:\wget\wget.exe','-O c:\data.xml '+url);

    //here comes file processing... totally depends on file format... :x
    //everything is put into temporary table

    //update rates
    IF tempRec.FIND('-') THEN
    UNTIL temprec.NEXT=0;

    good luck in programming,
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    Jens_MadsenJens_Madsen Member Posts: 23
    Navision Denmark has introduced a new product called "Navision VIP" which, among other services, include currency updates.

    Prob. is I don't know if its been made for world wide version.

    Short Descript.:
    - It's based on .Net Services.
    - It uses xml and Soap for communication
    - the customer subscripes to the services via Navision

    For more info visit:

    I've played around with the concepts and developed something similar using XMLDom and XMLHttpRequest to query a web-server which again uses XMLHttpServerRequest to aquire a webpage, ie. finance.yahoo.com, which then transforms the result into xml, which again is sent back to navision.

    I could post some info on my ideas if your interested ???
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