Hi all,
There is a situation where by opening Navision client with higher version will popup a confirmation message whether you want to convert databatase. Once if you accidentally click "YES" then you can't use original Navision Client to open your Database anymore.

Now, I found the easiest way how to convert it back.
Use SQL enterprice Manager and open your Navision SQL database that
already been converted.
Open table $ndo$dbproperty, and you will get only one record.
Find and see the value of databaseversionno field.
I notice for Database Attain 3.10 the value should be 13 and 14 for
Attain 3.60.
So, Once if your 3.10 database converted to 3.6 and you want to reverse it back , simple re-keyin again number 13 and you will have back your database to the original version.

However, I am just lucky to get it this over for my customer database which is in GB size and wonder if this way can work for other situation.
have fun !
I also find following numbers :
15 : Version 3.70
17 : Version 3.70 A
20 : Version 4
Anybody else knows other codes ?
The important contents are worth repeating here:
In another post, he suggested a way to restore values to your production db by creating a 'scratch' db using the proper (previous) client, and then using Query Analyzer to poke the correct values into the production db from the scratch db:
18: Navision 3.70 B
MVP - Dynamics NAV
I haven't found it reported here on the forum, but it is possible to "fix" the SQL DB that was (accidentally) converted to 4.0SPx. After applying fix you can open it again with 3.x0. In my case I have done it from 4.0SP1 back to 3.60, but I think the fix is general enough to be successful in other combinations.
It was even harder in my case, since accidental conversion was somehow interrupted by other users that were posting docs. The DB changed only partly, leaving $ndo$* & some other tables corrupted and it was not possible to open the DB with any version of client! Obviously the need to rescue 70GB of the data was strong enough for motivation.
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
One thing about sp3, the new field is the security option. People who upgrade the sql db and it doesn't complete on the first try, will get a sql error about cannot insert NULL in $ndo$dbproperty security option. So the way around is to delete the field from sql and let upgrade continue.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
One more thing. See that you have enough space for your Transaction Log File. It's difficult to say how large it will grow, but you'll have to take in count that it'll grow untill at least half the size of your db.
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
One addition:
If you put your recovery model to "simple" first, and after the conversion put it again to "full" ... this won't be an issue.
After putting it to "full" again, make sure to make a backup to have a new entry point for your transaction log backups ...
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
MBSOnline is not redirecting, the original posts you can now find at:
Dynamics User Group - conversion 3.6 to 3.7 INVOLUNTARILY?
Dynamics User Group - Version Check
Dynamics User Group - Error in File DMEMSTREAM