
Raw Material Consumption -- Unit of Measure

waynewilwaynewil Member Posts: 41
edited 2003-05-19 in Navision Financials

I'm trying to use Navisions Unit of Measure conversions for raw material consumption.

I store sheets of metal with a UOM of Sheet, Qty 1.

I've defined a UOM of SQFT, qty .00333 (as each sheet equals 300 SQFT).

In a BOM that uses this metal, I use the calculation formula of 6 Length x 3 Width = 18, UOM SQFT.

When I create a production order using this BOM, the system makes the proper conversion such that the statistics form shows me the appropriate cost of usinig 18 sq. ft. of metal.

When I use the consumption journal, it calculates the requirement for 18 sq. ft of metal, also, but when I post this consumption, it treats it like 18 sheets, not 18 sq. ft, resulting in huge raw material consumption.

The only way that I've been able to get this to behave is to manually calculate the consumption as an appropriate fraction of a sheet, despite the fact that I'm making this entry on a consumption line that clearly indicates it is using SQFT, not SHEET, to post the consumption.

Automatic flusing also treats the consumption as sheets, not sq. ft.

Any ideas?



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    borsicsjborsicsj Member Posts: 32

    maybe you could use item tracking. I mean 1 sheet could be a lot, so a lot would be 300 sqft. In this way you could track how much have you used from that sheet.

    János Borsics
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