Navision and Vertex

chsilvachsilva Member Posts: 3
We are currently doing a new implementation of Navision 4.0 SP2 and are looking for a solution to integrate Vertex. Is anyone using Vertex with Navision, if so do you have any recommendations. Any help would be great.


  • David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    This "was" a bit of a political problem. It may be resolved now, but I am not sure.

    Basically a Navision partner developed a Vertex add-on for (I think) ver 2.01 they claimed to have some kind of exclusive agreement with Vertex, and Upgraded to 2.5, and about then (maybe it went to 2.6, but I think not) for some reason decided to no longer support the add-on.

    I found this out because a company I was working with contacted Vertex to ask if they could either take over the original add-on, or develop a new one, but it seemed it was not possible for contractual reasons.

    Anyway, CCH are now producing their own add-on to integrate their product, but (from what I can gather) it is not a true add-on, but just a script that updates Navision directly through SQL. I was in discussions with CCH to help them develop the Add-On as a true Navision solution, but after a few months they came back with a reply that "they did not feel there was enough of a market with Navision to warrant the development of a full integration".

    Anyway in the end, its pretty easy to just buy the files from them and integrate yourself, though I know that a supported Add-On would be much nicer. Still if you are running on SQL, take a look at their offering.

    By the way the Vertex situation may have completely changed, this was about 6 or 7 years ago, and maybe the contract agreement has expired now.
    David Singleton
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    Tectura has both cch and vertex integration. If you have one type of inventory with same sales tax rate, I would go with CCH, if you have different type of inventory such food and Furniture, etc I would go with Vertex
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • chsilvachsilva Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for the great input David Singleton and ara3n. I have researched both and wanted to know if any one has used CertiTax, with Navision 4.0 SP2 , a Sales Tax Solution provided by CCH. Has anyone come across any issues or product downfall? Any help would be great.
  • AEklundAEklund Member Posts: 13
    We have talked with CCH about certitax...

    There is no "download" with certitax, its an internet based application just like avalara, where navision needs to send them the information about the invoice and they return the tax.

    The total tax..

    Not the tax by jurisdiction. You use the certitax product database history for that..

    In addition to the concept that they now have all your records, you still have to address did they calculate the tax correctly based on the specific industry specific requirements.

    Obviously, doing straight tax is not the issue...
    Allan Eklund
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