Hello All,
I have created a Navision report and the output is Excel format, when I run the report using English Language, it works fine, but using the German Language, I'm getting below error message. Can anyone please advise how to fix below error. Also I apologize, I can't read the error message.
"Die Wahlmöglichkeit 'No' ist nicht vorhanden.
Die Wahlmöglichkeiten sind:
Nein, Ja"
On the program code, I have included the below statement for validation for cancelled flag. I'm suspecting that it's coming from this code, since it's and English word.
SalesHeader.SETFILTER(SalesHeader.Cancelled, 'No');
How do I set filter for other languages?
Joel Nario
Manager, Application Development and System Operations
IT Department
IDEC Corporation
Sunnyvale, CA. 94080
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
Using string to filter for boolean is not clean and should be permitted. It is same as filtering option type to string and not the Field::Value...
//edited 1.12.2006 - SETFILTER replaced by SETRANGE
MVP - Dynamics NAV
... I could be mistaken ... :-k
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
MVP - Dynamics NAV
OK, then I get it ... you meant SETRANGE ...
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
MVP - Dynamics NAV
I forgive you O:)
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
Yes, the below command works.
In addition to the above command, I found out that below command also works the same way. It provided me the same result.
IF Cancelled THEN CurrReport.SKIP;
I'm pretty new to this programming C/AL Code in Navision.
We are Oracle Shop, but most of our subsidiaries, we decided to implement Navision.
This is a great Web Site to het help..
Go for the
Like Kine mentioned.
If you go for the
IF Cancelled THEN CurrReport.SKIP;
your code wil have to go through much more lines then wether you filter the lines on Canceled = FALSE. This will make your report slower.
On the other hand, keep in mind that when you're working on a NATIVE, you'll have to set the key on Cancelled.
Something like: SalesHeader.SETCURRENTKEY(Cancelled)
Filtering a sorted set will result in much better performance.
On SQL it's a whole other story, but I only have a textbox for 2Gb of Text, so that's not enough
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
German language Classes in Pune