We made a mistake by not invoicing our posted receipts.
The supplier's invoice we payed in Financials. (We did not make a posted Purchase Invoice and matched the supplier's invoice)
Several hundreds of Posted Receipts and Purchase Order are still open.
Do someone how to solve this. (2 closed bookyears are included)
How and what procedure is best to do in a batch???
I will appreciate your help.
1. In 3.7 make a negative receipt of the quantity received and post the invoice which will result in 0.00
2. Invoice the posted receipts and make a collect invoice for the suppliers
3. Make Credits after posting the purchase invoice
4. Developers should be permitted to enter the article posts
5. Make Purchase_returns after posting the invoice by the posted receipts
Thank you.
If you have unapplied payments on the system, and have not Invoiced the Orders.
If you have Vendor Payments with no Invoices
You could set the Vendors "Application Method" as Apply to Oldest, then just Post the Invoices in a batch, those that you know you have paid, the system will close these against the payments, until there are no payments left.
Remember to reset the "Application Method" after
Journal Invoice Lines and Payments already applied
If however you created second invoices and paid them, then you can create and change the Payment Method on the paid orders, to One that balances to the control account, this would have a zero impact on the Ledgers as a payment is created and matched as you post.
You should not reverse or change the received financial values on the Orders, as when you invoice you want the realised values to hit the ledgers.
Closed Years
How did they close years without the Invoced Values?
For these you do not want to impact anyway on the Closed Years, you need to do a bit of work here.
You need all values Header and Lines to post into a new suspense account, Stop any posting of vendors while you do this, Set the Vendor Control to the new account, and a Payment Method balanced to this Account, so both balance to zero, now for the lines, A new "Posting Setup", which posts all fields to the suspense account as well, this will also net to zero, the only other consideration is the VAT, this also needs to be setup to have no Impact.
Hope this helps, lets us know how you deal with this!
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