Hi all :shock:
Who can help me ?
I am trying to execute HyperTerminal with ADCS and Attain 3.60.
All install steps are ok but when the system start the Navision VT100 plugin service, I receive the next message in the event viewer:
Échec de détection du produit '{00000000-0000-3600-0012-0000836BD2D2}', fonctionnalité 'ADCS' lors de la demande du composant '{397D101B-A762-11D2-B97E-006097C4DE24}'
Mant thanks for your help
I had the same problem with the ADCS.
That error that you have don't worry, is not a problem. Just forget it.
For the VT100 Plugin and the Hyper Terminal/Telnet works you need to go to the tables 7700 and 7701 and in the fields of type Option you need to change the language of your country to english.
I hope this helps you.
Best Regards
Ricardo Zenida