I'm trying to use a boolean flag in a table, as both a means for representing whether or not comments exist for the record and to have an entry point to add to those comments.
The boolean is defined as a flowfield into a custom comments table using the Exist calcformula property. When I click on the boolean field, I get the following error:
The CalcFormula for the Comment flowfield in the <table name> table should start with 'Sum(...'.
I do not wish to display the # of comments. Is there something I am missing??
Thank you for your time,
Apart from that you're on the right track
Thank you for your help,
On a Header/Line form, we have a function on the subform that is called in the OnPush trigger of the control of your boolean field (which is a checkbox on the subform). I believe Navision automatically does this when you put a boolean field on a form. In this function, you set the filter of your comment variable in filtergroup 2 (so the user can't change it) and open your comment form with the filtered variable.
Just click the boolean field in the form designer, press F9 and look for the OnPush trigger. That's where you want to start.