
Using Tobit Fax out of Navision

SandraSandra Member Posts: 52
edited 2003-05-27 in Navision Financials
We are currently running Navision 2.6 with a technical update to Attain. We have been using Tobit Faxware in order to send out our order confirmations in connection with an exchange server. However we are experiencing huge problems. It often happens that more then half the order confirmations are not sent. Our Navision Solution center says that the report is to fast for the Faxware. This seems confirmed by the fact that since we are only selecting 10 orders per batch we have fewer problems. However this can not be the solution.

I now have two questions.
1) Has anyone got an idea how to slow a report. We are using a window in which the selection is made, and then we call the report per Order found within the filter. Maybe there is a possibilty to slow it even more.

2) Has anyone got good experience with other Faxware then Tobit.

Thanks a lot


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    Morten_SolbergMorten_Solberg Member Posts: 24
    Hi Sandra
    - the SLEEP function can slow the report.

    2) Has anyone got good experience with other Faxware then Tobit.

    - look at www.zetafax.com

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    SMSSMS Member Posts: 22
    We are using Winfax on all our PC's that need to fax direct, and it works w/o any troubles.
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    mayermayer Member Posts: 50

    some fax are only sent as a white paper. So we think that this is a font problem.

    Now we test a fax solution running on linux. (hylafax) It is gpl and free.

    greetings Ralph
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