
Print printcodes directly to printer

ReinderReinder Member Posts: 13
edited 2003-03-19 in Navision Financials
I want to send printcodes directly to a printer. The rest of the document should be converted by the printer driver.
How can I accomplish this.
- Navision Finacials 2.50
- Printer with driver HP LaserJet II Series connected to
port "\\comp\QPFAX1".
- I want to send a Fax automatically when printing.
- At the beginning of the document I need the printer control codes
(like faxnumber) to be in ASCII. The rest of the document should be
converted by the printer driver.

Is there a way within a Navision report to print a text box wich will not be converted. In MS Word I can do this by adding a Field and then use the PRINT command. Is this also possible in Navision?

Can anybody help me.


Reinder van der Veen

Reinder ICT Nijmegen
Wolfskuilseweg 96 - 6542 JM NIJMEGEN - The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0) 24 373 81 38 - Mob.: +31 (0) 6 20 650 311
E-mail: reindervdv@gmail.com


  • Options
    tvandongentvandongen Member Posts: 78
    If it is for use on QPServer we have the faxnumber in a textbox with the following parameters:

    Fontname: Courier
    Fontsize: 10
    SourceExpr: STRSUBSTNO('^[d=%1^1',faxnr)

    If you want an example just let me know.
  • Options
    ReinderReinder Member Posts: 13
    The Fontname (Courier) and Fontsize (10) do the trick

    Reinder van der Veen

    Reinder ICT Nijmegen
    Wolfskuilseweg 96 - 6542 JM NIJMEGEN - The Netherlands
    Tel.: +31 (0) 24 373 81 38 - Mob.: +31 (0) 6 20 650 311
    E-mail: reindervdv@gmail.com
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