
Using a Dataport to modify non-Dataport fields

t.huntt.hunt Member Posts: 2
edited 2003-03-11 in Navision Financials
I'm fairly new to development in Navision, so if this is something really easy that I've just overlooked, I apologize.

I'm working on a dataport to pull in our order information from our barcode scanning system into Navision. However, there are a few fields I'm trying to write to the database based on values in the dataport. I'd like to write these fields to the Sales Header table.

Here's the logic: If there's a credit card number in the record I'm importing, then it writes the order as a Sales Order, while if there's not a credit card number, it writes the order as a Sales Quote. Payment terms are adjusted appropriately.

The problem is that I can't figure out what I do after I assign the values. I feel like it should be enough to just assign the values and that I shouldn't need an explicit MODIFY, but the fields aren't writing to the database.

It comes in OK as a quote, but the Payment Terms Code isn't writing.

Here's my code:

IF ccnumber <> '' THEN BEGIN
"Sales Header"."Document Type" := 1;
"Sales Header"."Payment Terms Code" := 'CC';
"Sales Header"."Document Type" := 0;
"Sales Header"."Payment Terms Code" := 'Net 30';

In addition, I've got some code in the OnBeforeImportRecord trigger that should set Document Date and Project Code to defaults for this import--but those aren't working at all. The code is below--do I need an explicit MODIFY or something?

"Sales Header"."Document Date" := TODAY;
"Sales Header"."Project Code" := 'SMALLB-04';

Thanks for any help.
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