We have some problems with copy-paste actions from excel to Navision. When I select a cel in excel and copy it (the cel, not the selected contents) to a field in Navision the cel contents will be pasted, but also two "line feeds".
This is not a big deal, I can see the line feeds as two squares and delete them. However we have a new workstation on which the squares are not visible and the user often forgets to delete the line-feeds...
Does anyone know what could cause the linefeeds to be invisible? I think it has something to do with the code pages.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,
Gerard van Kuijl - United -
MVP - Dynamics NAV
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
No, because this is a general problem in every form.
I think it will relate to the Windows settings - maybe "fonts".
I have not much experience with C/AL Programming and although I change sometimes reports, forms and dataports I'm reluctant to make unnecessary changes in the standard objects.
Here you will find the different subfuntions Make?????. The parameter is always a text.
Add a subfunction ie. Clear_CR_LF
Topic very interessant, but is it possible to make the same thing for code fields ?
There is no MakeCode in codeunit 1...
Thanks !