Item tracking code [Nav 4.00SP2]

quakeicequakeice Member Posts: 20
i have a problem with the functionality of "item tracking code" of Nav. When i create a sales order of a product that i manage with tracking code, Nav take the oldest tracking code that, for the same product, i have in Nav. If i want to change it, i make the seguent actions:
1. i remove the reservation
3. i select "AssistButton" under the column "Lot No." and after this Nav says "you cannot enter '32:0,,475' in RecordID. The cursor is in front of the invalid character"
Does anyone know what is the problem?



  • ArhontisArhontis Member Posts: 667

    As you already know the reservation and item tracking in Nav is a little buggy... It has alot of code and temporary table handling behind it.

    Have you tried entering in the Item tracking line form, delete the tracking specification that is automaticaly entered, then remove the reservation, and after that enter the item tracking you want?

    The correct procedure is in the order you do these moves...

    Remember to check before posting that the reservation entry for the item matches the serial/lot you picked because the application sometimes keeps the old reservation regardless you choose another serial/lot.
  • kaikai Member Posts: 9
    This is a known bug with 4.0SP2. It is described in Knowledge Base article 921941 along with a (one line) hotfix.
  • quakeicequakeice Member Posts: 20
    thank you, but where may i find this kwnoledge base?
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    On microsoft, but I am afraid that it is just Partner KB article (accessible through PartnerSource).
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • ArhontisArhontis Member Posts: 667
    You can find it at the mbs partnersource but it is for partners: ... -us;921941

    In case you are a partner you can see it, otherwise you can contact your solution provider to assist you with that.
  • quakeicequakeice Member Posts: 20
    i have another problem with Item tracking code.ù
    i use Nav 4.0SP2. I explain the steps i've followed:
    1)i created a purchase order of a product
    2)i created a sales order of the same product and i used the ATP functionality. After this Nav created a reservation between the first order and the second one.
    3)i created the receipt and then i assigned 3 item tracking code.
    4)After this i thought that Nav would have taken the oldest one of the item tracking code but it didn't it

    does anyone know if it is a bug?

  • lainehelainehe Member Posts: 1
    Can someone please post the solution to this problem?

    I'm not a mbs partner :cry:
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