Problem working with Russian version.

xavigepexavigepe Member Posts: 185
Hi. We have installed SP2 Russian version in a 2003 Server (OS English version). When we try to make a purchase order and introduce an item we have a message saying '1O' is not a valid dateformula.

Debugging we arrive at codeunit 5404, function SafetyLeadTime where there's a line of code : EXIT(FORMAT(SKU."Safety Lead Time")).
SKU."Safety Lead Time" has a correct russian value of '1Д', but then the FORMAT function converts it (don't know why ](*,) ) to '1O' and here's the problem.

Why have configured all regional options in Windows to work witn Russian language, but we have no luck. Could anybody help me?.



  • shamsshams Member Posts: 5
    i'm Russian and never had that problem of yours. The only solution I see without debuging it my self, is to look for russian charset and try manually add the numeric differense in characters between 'Ä' and 'Î'. It will be quite a russian like solution :D
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    I think that it is problem of "OS English version" - try to change Regional settings for non-unicode apps to Russian...
    Kamil Sacek
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  • xavigepexavigepe Member Posts: 185
    I also think it's some problem of the OS, but I've changed regional settings and I still have the same problem.
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