I get the following error message if I try to import a file into the interaction leg entry.
"Could not invoke the member GenerateKey. The OLE control or Automation server returned an unknown error code."
The error does not occour if you import the file via a locally installed client, it only appears if some users who work from home try to import it with a client opened on a terminalserver (remote desktop connection).
So I guess there is something missing (not installed) on this server.
I get this error with every file type not just office files.
Any ideas?
Thomas Buchholz
ekey biometric systems GmbH
4031 Linz
- Is the Application Handler DLL registered? Sometimes you have to do this manually.
- Did you try which line of code causes this error (using debugger)?
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
Thanks for your reply. In the meantime, yes I did trace through the debugger and located the problem (C5067, SearchManagement was the offender in this case). I found that the "CSearch.DLL" had not been registered. I can't speak for how these executables were loaded. It was probably a straight copy, as we have all versions of NAV loaded on the same server.
I did a "regsvr32 csearch.dll" and that did the trick. If there are any other Automation Controls that I actually need, I'll have to track down which DLL needs to be registered (if you know of any easy way to do this, please let me know).