Price increases

paulcampbellpaulcampbell Member Posts: 7
edited 2006-09-25 in Navision Attain
Hi all ,

Im doing my first price increase in Nav 3.01 this weekend, is there anything i should watch out for ?

I will be filtering out customers and applying it to only certain product ranges then modifying the expiry dates on those prices.

Does the start date within Suggest item Price.Chg(price) work as it sounds, i.e. the changes can lie dormant in the system until that date then they come into play on the start date that is defined ? or is it something else again ?

Is there a guide to this sort of operation ? have searched around but couldnt see anything

Thanks for your help


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    The simplest thing is to try it out. But yes if you put end date field on the price table it will not take the price once it's passed the date.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • paulcampbellpaulcampbell Member Posts: 7
    it seems to work fine , i can modify the item prices on a customer basis and all seems fine.

    I've moved onto modifying the Unit Price in the item table ( the list price of the item ) which is irrespective of customer the only way i can see of achieving this is using the " Inventory, Periodic Activities, Adjust item Cost/Prices " function. This performs the job i need it to do, however, it automatically makes the modification to the system as soon as it is executed not dumping the modifications into a table that can be reviewed before commiting them into the live system, also with this its not giving any kind of transaction auditing of the price increase, this is a little worrying.

    Any thoughts on how i get this ? or am i going about this the wrong way ?
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    You can use Sales Price only, and leave the Item card price to zero. That way you can keep history of the records in that table. You setup the line so that it applies to all customers.

    There is form 7023 Sales Price Worksheet. that will give you the intermediate info which you then can look at and then implement.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

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