
(Resolved) Crystal Reports Compatibility

MW59MW59 Member Posts: 85
edited 2006-09-15 in Navision Financials
Hi Gang,

It's my understanding that the latest & greatest releases of Crystal Reports will not interface to an NF 2.50 database.

Does anyone know if we can get away with using Crystal Reports 8.0?

I despise animal testing. They get all nervous and give the wrong answers.


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    SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    I don't know what you mean get away with?

    We use ver. without problems

    We use Native Server and c/odbc to connect.
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    MW59MW59 Member Posts: 85
    Savatage wrote:
    I don't know what you mean get away with?
    Sorry... I just meant "use successfully". To be honest, I'm not a Crystal user and nor have I ever set up a Crystal interface to Navision via c/odbc. All I had to do was answer someone's question as to whether Crystal version 8.0 would successfully interface to NF 2.50 and between what you said, plus what I just discovered from another source, it'll work fine.

    Thanks and have a good weekend.

    I despise animal testing. They get all nervous and give the wrong answers.
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