difference between cache and objectcache

lreinaxlreinax Member Posts: 34
edited 2006-09-22 in Navision Financials
Hi, What's the real difference between cache and objectcache on clients?
(2.6 ver.)



  • nunomaianunomaia Member Posts: 1,153
    Object Cache - Navision Objects, Forms, codeunitsm etc.
    DBMS Cache - data in tables
    Nuno Maia

    Freelance Dynamics AX
    Blog : http://axnmaia.wordpress.com/
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    When you first open Navision, the first time that the Customer Card opens up it takes a while. Then after you close it and open it again, it comes up in a flash. That is because the first time the object information has to be retrieved from the database, and then Navision stores it in objectcache for the next time you want to use the object. Object cache is why you have to close and re-open Navision when they make a report change. It flushes the object cache.

    Server cache
    It's a portion of the server RAM that stores much used data. It is faster to retrieve data from RAM than it is to read from a hard disk. There's a mechanism to make sure the data is up to date, but generally speaking,the more cache, the faster your system. For the native database server though, there is a 1GB maximum, of which only 700-800 can be effectively used.
  • visheshvishesh Member Posts: 60
    Hi all,

    I have referred to refrence guide and it says that dbms cache can be used with navison server options only, that is because of the fact that while using sql server options sql ll provide its own cache for the clients connected to it.

    Can anyone give me more details regarding the sql server options.

    Thanks and Regards.
    Vishesh Singh
    Technical Consultant
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Well... SQL Server has its own caching mechanism, so you can't use NAV caching DBMS there :roll:

    Read Books Online to learn about SQL Server caching, that is much more elaborate than we can be in here. If you have SQL Server installed, you also should have Books Online. Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server -> Books Online
  • lreinaxlreinax Member Posts: 34
    Ok, so, objectcache is used as a parameter, only on clients, and cache is used only on server. Is it right?

    I mean if you can use "cache" parameter on client, like

    c:\........fin.exe servername=........., nettype=......., objectcache=.....,

    or you only can use objectcache on clients call and cache on server call.

  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    lreinax wrote:
    Ok, so, objectcache is used as a parameter, only on clients, and cache is used only on server. Is it right?

    I mean if you can use "cache" parameter on client, like

    c:\........fin.exe servername=........., nettype=......., objectcache=.....,

    or you only can use objectcache on clients call and cache on server call.

    On the client, you can only use objectcache. And in general the default settings of Navision for the different versions is sufficient.
    So a fin.exe shortcut can contain

    The following parameters are only used for the server:
    -CACHE : how much memory must be used as DB-cache (best leave about 500MB physical memory free for other applications => so if you server has 1GB, use only 500MB as cache.
    -COMMITCACHE : this is an important factor for performance. If you don't use it, it means that every write of a client is first written to the disks and then the client is free to continue. If you use it, the writes are written into memory (the DB-cache of the server), the client is free to continue and when the server has time, it writes the data to the disks.

    For more info on this, there are a lot of posts on this.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

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