Sum a Text Field

ricky76ricky76 Member Posts: 204
edited 2006-09-05 in Navision Attain
Can someone tell me how i can sum a text field. I have a text variable that i pass into number values although these values are held as text within the database. I want to be able to sum the quantity. Any help would be appreciated.


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,116
    Can you be a little more clear?
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • ricky76ricky76 Member Posts: 204

    I am creating a report which writes to a temp table. I have a text variable called Litres that i pass a text value into. This value is stored as a string in the database but is a number. After each record i want the litres variable to be a running total but as it is text i can't do this.
  • SteveOSteveO Member Posts: 164
    If it's meant to be a number then why is it a text field and not Integer or Decimal?

    You can use the EVALUATE function to convert from text to numeric. Check out the help for more info.
    This isn't a signature, I type this at the bottom of every message
  • Thomas_Hviid_ThornThomas_Hviid_Thorn Member Posts: 92
    How about:
    // Get the chars to remove
    TmpText := delchr(Litres,'=','0123456789.');
    // Remove all chars, except numbers
    TmpText := delchr(Litres,'=',TmpText);
    SumNumber += TmpNumber

    I haven't tried the actual code, but I use the same princippiel for another purpose.
    Hope it will help.
    With Kind Regards
    Thoms Hviid Thorn
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